Can you help my students who are having difficulty using MS 365 to Collaborate on group projects in Canvas

I set up groups in Canvas and am using the collaborate feature to have the students use Office 365 to create and share Word Documents that they will later submit as lab notebooks. Could you put together some documentation that would assist them in the process?


Setting up your lab notebook in your groups:

Step 1:

  1. In order to prevent any login issues, please click on Office 365 from the Left-hand navigation to ensure you are signed in to the correct USF Office 365 account before beginning any of these steps:

  1. If at any time you experience problems, try switching to Microsoft EDGE browser


Step 2: Join a group

  1. In Canvas on the left tab select People>Groups>Lead Calibration Curve and then select a group to join.

Step 3: Create or Join a collaboration

  1.  On the dark blue navigation bar in Canvas, choose Groups, then select the group you for this project. In your group homepage, select Collaborations from the menu:


Group and Collaborate buttons in Canvas LMS Navigation

  1. If your partner has already created a collaboration, you will see it listed under Current Collaborations, and you can click on the title to begin contributing. You should also have received an email alerting you to the creation of the collaboration. (Again, if you experience any problems, make sure you have clicked on Office 365 in the navigation menu and also use EDGE as your browser):

 Current Collaborations view in Canvas


  1. If you partner has not started a collaboration, then you can start a collaboration by filling in the document name, description, and then clicking on the name(s) of the people you would like to add to the collaboration. Click Save to create the collaboration.

  1. Use this as your electronic lab notebook

Step 4: Submitting your collaboration

  1. Go to the assignment. 
  2. Select submit assignment.
  3. A box appears.  Look at the top of the box where there are four different labels.  You will need to select Office 365.

Office 365 Submission Tab in Canvas


  1. Follow the steps and select the appropriate file to submit. Remember, only one person from your group needs to submit the notebook.




  • Last Updated Sep 19, 2018
  • Views 41
  • Answered By Kerri Killion-Mueller

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